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Foundation Fire Flies believes in mutually enriching young people through the sharing of cultures mostly caused by travel. That’s why we create and facilitate multiple projects abroad for you to join and learn from! Right now we work with 3 different kind of projects in different countries funded by the European union under the name of Erasmus+: (Interested in what is Erasmus+? Read about it here! (link to “What is Erasmus+))

  1. Youth exchanges

A youth exchange is a project where young people from different countries and diverse cultures come together to enrich themselves with knowledge and competences based on the topic discussed.
Interested or want to know more? Read about it on our youth exchange page!(link to YE)

  1. Training courses

A training course is a project for youth workers and young people interested in enriching their skillset with new competences and methodologies on the topic discussed, while working together with other youth workers and young people .
Interested or want to know more? Read about it on our Training course page!(link to TC)

  1. European Voluntary Service

European voluntary service is an opportunity for you to try volunteer work in a new country and culture completely free of cost.
Interested or want to know more? Read about it on our ESC page!(link to ESC)

Interested in joining a project of ours? Right here we have our agenda for our upcoming events and projects. This agenda changes a lot due to new projects coming and projects getting canceled so keep an eye out for your opportunity!
Is your interest not there? Or do you want another type of project? Get in contact with us and we will check the possibilities together:


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